Located in Holywood High Street, Close to Belfast Art & Home stocks quality artist supplies at competitive prices. If something is not listed on our site, please just drop us an email and we will see if we can assist you!
*NEW* (8)
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Face / Body Paint (1)
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Inks (8)
Luggage (3)
Mugs (19)
Nomi Silver (6)
Oil Pastels (2)
Pastels & Pastel Pencils (1)
Pencils (18)
Printing (4)
SALE (50)
Silver Nickel Sculptures (2)
Soft Pastels (6)
Solid Bronze Sculptures (19)
The Irish Handmade Glass Company (23)
Accessories (13)
Adhesives (2)
Drawing & Sketching (25)
Paint Brushes (14)
Mediums & Varnishes (37)
Paint (98)
Surfaces (32)